As if ripped from our collective nightmares, it seems that creepy clown horror stories have taken hold in the Southern states. Residents of an apartment complex in South Carolina were sent warning letters after receiving accusations that a clown was attempting to entice youngsters into the woods on Aug. 21.
On September 1, a 12-year-old girl in Greenville, South Carolina reported seeing two clowns in her backyard. A guy in Greensboro, North Carolina, pursued a clown into the woods with a machete on Sept. 7. Since last week, many Alabama schools have been placed on lockdown due to Facebook threats of clown kidnapping, and a Facebook user has threatened to take children from schools in Georgia if authorities don’t intervene.
According to a police spokesman, “If this is a hoax or PR stunt, it isn’t humorous.” As of now, “we don’t know,” he said. “We haven’t had the opportunity to interview any clowns.” The present clown fear isn’t the only creepy clown horror out there. You’ll never be able to sleep again after you’ve read about these real-life clowns. There have been many clown attack London 2022.
Real Clown Horror Stories That You Shouldn’t Read Alone
The Cold-Case Creepy Clown
The scariest clown horror stories must include this. It was 10:45 a.m. on May 26, 1990, when Marlene Warren was awakened by a clown with a bulbous nose and 2 balloons, one of which was embossed with an image of Snow White. Her death came two days after the clown attacked her moment in time in the face.
Read the full Article : 5 True Creepy Clown Horror Stories That Will Give You Chills | Clown Attack London 2022
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